Echo Question in Language Parroting a Question For Clarification or Emphasis
By Richard Nordquist Updated on September 04, 2019 An echo question is a type of direct question that repeats part or all of something which someone else has just asked and is one form of echo utterance. Echo questions are also referred to as "parrot" questions or "repeat, please" questions. The reason people generally echo or parrot a question they've been asked is that they have not fully understood or heard what was said—or they simply can't believe anyone would ask such a question. Using a rising or fall-rising intonation for an echo question allows us to clarify what we think we heard. From: 27th January, 2022. Examples and Observations Telemachus: "We're waiting for Odysseus to come home." Antinuous: "You're waiting for who to do what ?" From "The Comeback" by Albert Ramsdell Gurney Mary: "What do you want?" George Bailey: "What do I want? Wh...